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Collapse Issue 603:<br />16 Sep 2024<br />_____________Issue 603:
16 Sep 2024
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Application for beachfront house claims full compliance

An application has been lodged for a two-storey three-bedroom beach-front house with in-ground pool at 32 Coral Cres, Pearl Beach.

The application claims compliance with all local planning instruments with no variations requested.

An existing dwelling would be demolished to allow construction of the house for an estimated cost of $836,827.

The subject land has an area of 670.3 square metres with a frontage to Coral Cres of 15.24 metres, according to the application submitted by Doug Sneddon Planning Pty Ltd.

The land is zoned R2 Low Density Residential and is located within the Coastal Zone.

A coastal assessment report submitted with the application states: "The proposed development at 32 Coral Cres, Pearl Beach, is at an acceptably low risk of damage from coastal processes, if foundation design is carried out as outlined in Section 6.3.

"The risk of damage from coastal inundation (wave run-up) at the site is acceptably low in the design event, as outlined in Section 7."

The application claims a gross floor area of 261 square metres, a floor space ratio of 0.39:1 and site coverage of 235 square metres which would equate to 35 per cent.

At garage level the existing fibre cement garage-studio would be replaced by "two car spaces, workbench, laundry, storage, pedestrian entry and internal stair to ground floor level, and street-front garden plantings."

At ground floor level, the proposal is for "living, dining, kitchen, rumpus, two bedrooms, swimming pool, western terrace, beachfront deck and garden plantings".

The application states: "The ground floor level ... contains an eastern terrace-lawn area and a swimming pool located at the north-eastern corner of the dwelling".

At first floor Level, a master bedroom and deck are proposed with a floor level of 11.250 metres AHD.

It concludes: "The proposed development is consistent with the aims and objectives of Chapter 5.10 to ensure that development is consistent with the unique qualities and character of Pearl Beach and the development guidelines contained in Chapter 5.10 - Pearl Beach Residential Development."

The application is currently on public exhibition and available for written submissions.

No closing date for submissions has been advertised by the council.

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