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Collapse Issue 605:<br />14 Oct 2024<br />_____________Issue 605:
14 Oct 2024
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
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Dual occupancy with permeable driveway is proposed

A subdivided two-storey dual occupancy with a permeable driveway has been proposed for 45 Melbourne Ave, Umina.

An application has been submitted to Central Coast Council "to demolish all existing structures and construct a two-storey dual occupancy (attached) development with Torrens Title subdivision".

The application, prepared by D-Plan Urban Planning Consultants Pty Ltd, states that the land is located on the western side of the road, between Hobart Ave and Carawa St, is rectangular in shape, with a frontage of 14.745 metres and a length of 40.235 metres, for a site area of 588 square metres.

A single storey clad dwelling with associated structures currently on the site will be demolished.

The two double-storey units will each contain three bedrooms and two bathrooms.

Each have front-facing balconies at first floor level "with supporting columns effectively minimising the impact of the ground floor garage doors".

At the rear there are alfresco areas and private open space for each unit.

The application claims compliance with council planning provisions.

It describes the area as "a mixture of residential development, including single and two storey dwelling houses with interspersed dual occupancies and multi dwelling housing development; contemporary and older style dwellings of various building materials; paved and unpaved nature strips with no particular street tree planting theme; predominately low-scale or no front fencing; and Club Umina and Umina Beach Public School located opposite the subject site".

The arborist's report, prepared by Accurate Tree Assessment, states that "Five trees are proposed for retention, although several will be subject to major encroachment caused by construction of the proposed driveway access."

"Four trees are proposed for removal in conjunction with the proposed development as they will be subject to major and unsustainable levels of encroachment.

"The construction of the proposed driveway utilises a permeable pavement solution within the tree protection zones of trees 2 Angophora floribunda, 3 and 4 Jacaranda mimosifloia to mitigate adverse impacts by allowing water percolation and gaseous exchange to and from the root zone."

Trees 5 Jacaranda mimosifolia and 8 Melaleuca armillaris would be removed, with compensatory replacement planting within the landscaping of the site.

"Tree 6 Buckinghamia celsissima which is located on adjoining private property will be retained and protected by retention of the existing boundary fence."

"Tree 7 Jacaranda mimosifolia is retained and protected for the duration of the project, the establishment of a Tree Protection Zone covering the rear yard of the property and temporary fencing one metre from the rear of the proposed dwelling."

The application states that "Council's LEP/DCP requirements and good planning principles have been incorporated in the design, which has resulted in a high-quality development that will contribute positively to the built form of the locality by providing new affordable housing stock that successfully addresses the width, length and slope of the site."

It is currently on exhibition for public comment.

The closing date for submissions has not been published by the council.

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