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Collapse Issue 598:<br />08 Jul 2024<br />_____________Issue 598:
08 Jul 2024
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Men's Shed encourages members to new location

The Umina Beach Men's Shed is encouraging old and new members to visit the relocated operation at 90 Osborne Ave, Umina, after activities started there last week.

"Understandably with the limitations on activities and safe operating space over the last six to nine months, a lot of members cut back on their visits to the Shed and a few stopped showing up at all," said Shed newsletter editor Mr Vic Brown.

"We encourage all our members to visit the new Shed and to relish in the vastly improved work areas and social facilities

"We look forward to welcoming members to the new Shed and listening to their views and opinion regarding the new facilities and also what sort of projects they want to conduct or be jointly involved in with other members."

Mr Brown said a team of members had been involved in relocating equipment from the Birdwood Ave premises.

They had been "flat out" moving out by June 14 and setting up the new premises by July 1.

Some of the heavy equipment had to be craned into the new Shed, while other items were transported in a hired truck with a tail lift.

Mr Brown said it had been "an epic month in the life and time of the Umina Beach Men's Shed Inc".

"We eventually obtained the Occupation Certificate for 90 Osborne Ave in early May.

"Our landlords at 109 Birdwood Ave were very keen to regain occupancy of their building. "Recognising that they had been simply fantastic allowing us to stay and operate from their premises right through all delays experienced with the Osborne Ave project, we certainly owed it to them to vacate quickly.

"So following a meeting with the owners and the committee, a handover date was determined, being June 14 .And the race was on!

"Mr Larry Stewart headed up the team to clear the Shed either to the new location or to the various other disposal avenues, and to leave the premises in a tidy condition.

"Mr John Powell undertook the management, set-up and acceptance of equipment, tools and supplies at the Osborne Ave location.

"Members undertook the loading and shifting of the items and generously assisted with their vehicles and trailers in the transportation of the items."

Mr Brown said: "It's been a very tough and challenging few weeks."

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