Parents called to monitor websites
Woy Woy South Public School principal Mr Terry Greedy has issued a warning for parents to monitor their children's use of social networking websites after an increase in the number of inappropriate comments posted by students.
Mr Greedy said as principal he had no control over students using social websites or what was being written on them but urged parents to take responsibility.
He said the school had encouraged parents to access a technology guide released by the NSW Department of Education and Training to help them protect their children from predatory behaviour over the internet and cyber bullying.
"This guide highlights the benefits as well as the risks of technology and provides advice to parents about how they can keep their children safe," Mr Greedy said.
"Given strong internet filters are in place in public schools to prevent access to inappropriate sites and material, the focus of the guide is on the use of computers in the home environment and mobile phones.
"The guide helps parents to make choices about the type of technology they may consider buying for their children."
Newsletter, 7 Sep 2010
Terry Greedy, Woy Woy South Public School