Floating pontoon for Woy Woy wharf?
The wharf at Woy Woy will be replaced with a floating pontoon and the wharf area will be redesigned if Gosford Council proceeds with plans that will prepare over the next year.
Gosford Council is calling for expressions of interest to providing a design concept for the possible upgrade of the Woy Woy Town Centre Wharf area and the replacement of the existing facility with a floating pontoon system.
A $20,000 grant has been allocated to council under the NSW Maritime Better Boating Program to investigate the needs of the local boating and fishing communities and provide plan for the upgrade of the existing wharf facilities in The Boulevard, adjoining the Woy Woy Town Centre.
"The grant of $20,000 has been made to council under the Better Boating Program on a one to two basis where council will be required to contribute $40,000 towards the project," council's manager of engineering services Mr John Cragg said.
"Council applied for the grant in mid-2009, and it was offered in January 2010.
"Council has 18 months from the date of offer until July 2011, to finalise the concept design.
"Council is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified consultants to investigate and prepare a concept layout plan of the wharf area and provide a report detailing the decisions made in preparing the layout.
"The preparation of the plan and report would include the organisation of a public meeting to gather information and assess the needs of the boating and general community."
The meeting will look to invite all interested organisations such as NSW Maritime, DECC, DPI (NSW Fisheries), Hawkesbury River Trawler's Association, NSW Water Police and Marine Rescue.
Following public exhibition and approval by council of the concept plan, detailed plans and the respective approvals will be required for construction and are to be prepared by the consultant as part of the project cost.
Media statement, 30 Jul 2010
John Cragg, Gosford Council