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Collapse Issue 559:<br />12 Dec 2022<br />_____________Issue 559:
12 Dec 2022
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
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Multi-dwelling proposal 'aims to fit well in streetscape'

An application for a three-unit two-storey multi-dwelling located at 36 Kourung St, Ettalong, has been submitted to Central Coast Council.

The application prepared by Red Apple Design states: "Considering the nature of the property in question, the aim of the proposed development is to fit well within this streetscape by emulating that which is established.

"Immediate to the site, existing low-scale mixed double- and single-storey dwellings and multi-dwelling housing dominate the streetscape.

"The roof is flat and concealed within a parapet.

"Window shrouds and light shelves are placed on the northern facing windows to provide shadow casts and further contrast to the facade."

Only one sheet of drawings is supplied, containing a basic site plan and elevations.

No shadow diagrams are provided for public scrutiny.

The site is 724.64 square metres, of which "soft soil landscaping" is claimed at 30.64 per cent (222.03 square metres).

The concrete driveway will be 170 square metres leaving a building footprint of approx 332 square metres.

The application claims the proposal complies with floor space ratio and height limits, with a floor space ratio of 0.49:1 and a height of 7.87 metres, where the maximum height is 8.5 metres.

However, it also states: "The building heights are exaggerated with the natural ground line below dipping to 2.8 metres at one point and then rising approximately 0.9 metres across seven metres towards the rear.

"Considering the limitations of the site, the outcome is favorable and strict compliance is argued as unnecessary."

The application seeks exemption from setback requirements: "The front setback is required at 8.45 metres. The proposed setback is 7.02 metres to Unit 1 building line."

"Considering the complex nature of the site containing the over-land flow of storm water and the restriction of use towards the rear of the site due to the sewer location, Unit 1 encroaches within the front setback.

"The development remains behind it's neighbours to the west who sit at 6.836m setback.

"It is argued that strict compliance is unnecessary in this instance."

A variation to the rear setback is also requested: "There are no overshadowing or privacy impacts to the neighbouring sites as the bedrooms have been provided with highlight windows."

The variation to the rear setback means that the private open space for Unit 3 does not comply with the minimum dimension of 4.5 metres.

The private open space for Unit 1 is located on the front setback which therefore does not comply either.

The application is on public exhibition and written submissions will be accepted until January 13.

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