Chamber calls for masterplan committee
The Woy Woy CBD has suffered as a result of the major retail investment in Umina and is in need of a "major economic overhaul", according to the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce.
Peninsula Chamber president Mr Matthew Wales said it was up to Gosford Council to help revitalise all three Peninsula town centres and suggested it form a special committee to help breathe fresh life back into the area.
Mr Wales called on council to form a Peninsula Masterplanning Committee to help revitalise the local town centres with particular emphasis on the Woy Woy CBD.
"The Woy Woy CBD is going through some tough times and is in desperate need for a major economic overhaul," Mr Wales said.
"We see an urgent need for both an integrated and coordinated approach to town centre revitalisation across the Peninsula in order to capitalise on the unique qualities of the area.
"The Umina Beach town centre is performing very well as a result of recent major retail investment but Woy Woy has suffered as a result.
"The Chamber is calling on the council to set up a Peninsula Masterplanning Committee that involves senior council staff, business leaders and key property owners in an effort to co-ordinate site re-development and business growth.
"We have an ideal opportunity to do this as a result of the ongoing discussions over Draft Gosford LEP and proposed new development controls mooted for the town centres.
"Its vitally important that key property owners and council sit down in a collaborative environment to find ways to kick start the Woy Woy economy so that we can capitalise on our major assets such as the Woy Woy waterfront, the old town centre and Deepwater Plaza."
Mr Wales said it was "disappointing" to see that the tallest building in the Woy Woy CBD was the commuter car park.
"It dominates the centre and we need to find ways to promote linkages and activities between Deepwater Plaza and the traditional town centre," Mr Wales said.
"Accommodating commuters and their needs is extremely important.
"However, we don't want Woy Woy to simply be a commuter way station and find that the rest of the town centre continually struggling.
"Our suggestion is that a Peninsula Masterplanning Committte be formed to take a collaborate approach to these issues and come up with some fresh ideas.
"All the focus has been on the Gosford CBD in recent years and it's high time that the Peninsula has much needed planning resources directed to it."
Gosford Council's acting general manager Mr Terry Thirlwell said council had not been contacted by the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce on the proposal of forming a Peninsula Masterplanning Committee.
"At this stage council are in no position to comment on forming any sort of committee as we have not heard from the chamber or on its proposal," Mr Thirlwell said.
"Community groups including chambers of commerce are always welcome to contact council and arrange a meeting with our senior officers to discuss any proposals or matters of concern.
"The Peninsula Urban Directions Strategy was adopted by council in 2006 after extensive community consultation and is still being implemented.
"The document is a strategic plan for the entire Peninsula and includes urban direction strategies for major town centres including Woy Woy, Umina and Ettalong.
"As with all community and business organisations, council would encourage the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce to get in touch with council if it wishes to discuss any issues or concerns it may have."
Press release, 23 Sep 2010
Matthew Wales, Peninsula Chamber of Commerce
Clare Graham, 23 Sep 2010
Terry Thirlwell, Gosford Council