Umina campus is studied
Brisbane Water Secondary College is one of nine schools in the NSW to participate in a university study into factors that may encourage students to stay at school longer.
The University of Western Sydney and Charles Sturt University are commencing the longitudinal study in order to enhance the educational and life opportunities of students, according to Umina Campus principal Mr Frank Gasper.
Mr Gasper said the study was already well underway at the school.
"Students from 16 classes have been part of the study," Mr Gasper said.
"The first phase was a survey conducted in 2009.
"The second phase was a series of smaller, focus group interviews undertaken later in the year.
"This study will continue over several years and will provide an interesting and useful source of information that may help to shape the future of education.
"It is great to be part of such an important research study and to have the opinions of our students taken into account by educational planners."
Newsletter, 31 May 2010
Frank Gasper, Brisbane Water Secondary College Umina Campus