'Impressive turnout' at community planting day
The Grow Urban Shade Trees held a Community Planting Day at Paul St Park in Umina on Sunday, November 13.
"Cool weather made for a successful planting day," said project co-ordinator Ms Miriam McInnes.
"An impressive volunteer turnout made light work of the second planting day at Paul St Park.
"This project aims to revegetate the park with local species to support wildlife, provide the next generation of trees and beautify the space," she said.
The group planted Umina Coastal Sandplain Woodland species such as sweet scented wattle, rough bark apple gum, banksia, she oak, blue flax lily and guinea flower.
Ms McInness said the project aimed to help conserve the Woodland which had been fragmented and was a documented endangered ecological community.
"Impacts such as weed invasion, sand extraction, mowing and urban development have seen this community diminish.
"GUST will continue to maintain these plants with weeding and watering with the help of willing volunteers."
Anyone who would like to help should email gust@peg.org.au.
Media release, 24 Nov 2022
Miriam McInnes, GUST