Sorry for councillors?
One can sometimes almost feel sorry for councillors.
At one ear, they have the Chambers of Commerce and, at the other, they have developers.
From behind, they have both State and Federal Governments giving a good push, while in front of them they face citizens concerned about society and the environment.
These problems can easily be seen in the case of the Peninsula coastline.
All levels of government seem to have Departments of Planning urging more and more development but at the same time they have Departments of the Environment and Conservation recommending caution about any developments along our coastline.
It would appear that all departments work in complete isolation: there is no liaison between them.
They just never communicate with one another.
On the Peninsula, Council's Tree Policy seems to be ignored completely as again do the warnings about sea level rise on such low lying land.
The sea is already within four metres of a car park at Ocean Beach Surf Club and elsewhere much damage has been done to the narrow strip of land, which is all that separates the Esplanade from the water.
People seem not to realize that the new viewing platforms will eventually become diving boards.
Is it too much to expect that all departments should liaise before great sums of public money are wasted?
Where are the leaders with vision who understand what is meant by climate change?
Australia has much which is unique in the world and it is these natural things which attract people to come here to live or to holiday.
I am sure that they will not appreciate sinking their savings into a property which is liable to go under water.
If you think that I am exaggerating, just ask anyone already living along the coast about the rises in their property insurance.
All councillors and government departments could/should ensure that they have input from all departments and interested parties before any decisions on major developments are taken.
To most people this would appear to be plain common sense.
When can we expect some common sense to prevail?
Letter, 20 Oct 2010
Margaret Lund, Woy Woy Bay