Application for detached dual occupancy
An application has been received for a two-storey detached dual occupancy at 132 Paton St, Woy Woy.
The two dwellings proposed would be located one behind the other with the front dwelling having three bedrooms, one downstairs and two upstairs, and the rear dwelling having one bedroom and a double garage.
The application was prepared by Clark Dowdle and Associates on behalf of the owner.
According to the the arborist's report, a total of nine trees are to be removed including one street tree.
There are a number of non-compliances with planning provisions.
The lot size is 557.4 square metres which is well below the minimum area required by the planning provisions for a detached dual occupancy which is 800 sq metres.
However, the application argues that the planning outcome is much better than if the proposal had been for an attached dual occupancy for which the requirement is only 550 square metres.
The application claims the detached design achieves better "internal visual and acoustic privacy outcomes for the occupants", solar access both on site and for neighbours and
"enhanced building presentation and articulation" due to "the separation of the built form".
It states there is greater opportunity for landscaping and "enhanced dwelling and land tenure delineation".
The proposal is not compliant with the building envelope requirements with the 45 degree line cutting through the first floor at a point quite close to floor level.
The application describes this as a "minor departure".
The front boundary setback is the only one that is compliant.
In attempting to justify a non-compliant rear setback of one metre, the application refers to a non-existent laneway.
"The rear one metre rear setback for the garage of the dual occupancy development does not comply with the three metre measure.
"Notwithstanding the non-compliance, the site backs onto a six metre rear lane that provides suitable building separation that would alleviate overlooking open space to the adjoining premises to the rear, visual impacts and solar access impacts in accordance with the objectives of the setback clause."
The private open space is about 50 square metres for each unit, which is about two thirds of what is required by the planning provisions (75 square metres).
Unarticulated wall length is greater than the mandated maximum of eight metres at 10.48 metres.
The application claims that the proposal will achieve a floor space ratio of 0.47:1 which is under the minimum requirement of 0.5:1.
However, confusingly, the application goes on to ask for a variation, stating: "The additional floor space ratio will not alter the streetscape presentation to Palm St, and will not be evident when viewed from the neighbouring lots."
Palm St is in a different suburb, adding to the impression that the application is simply a cut-and-paste from another application.
The application also contains a great deal of material discussing the socio-economic status of the Peninsula and Woy Woy in particular.
It quotes the Central Coast Council's Alternative Housing Strategy background report saying that it "outlines there is a relatively low supply of small adaptable units that are more affordable to most low income households as well as to the upper 25 per cent of very low income hosuseholds for lower priced accommodation".
The status of the application is currently listed on the council's website as "Notification-Advertising" and is therefore open for written submissions.
No closing date is given on the website.
DA Tracker, 4 Mar 2022
DA157/2022, Central Coast Council