Norfolk pine to be replaced
A Norfolk pine in Wagstaffe will be removed and replaced just a few metres away, after members of the Bouddi Peninsula community met with Gosford Council officers on September 23.
Wagstaffe to Killcare Community Association president Mr Graeme Anderson said the community's beloved 50 year-old Norfolk Pine had steadily continued to decline with only a few branches still green.
Mr Anderson said council was soon expected to remove the dying tree and replace it with a six-metre high Norfolk Pine, with 50 per cent of funding for the new tree coming from the association.
"Following a council decision to support a replacement of the tree, council staff investigated the best location, taking into account high tension overhead cables, low tension cables, underground root affected water pipes, traffic access to the wharf, telephone lines, car parking and hall access," Mr Anderson said.
"Norfolk pines can live for over 100 years and the departing one had lived nearly 50 years so planning was important.
"It became obvious that a relocation of some metres would be necessary and council prepared two alternative plans for consideration by the community at a meeting on September 23 at Wagstaffe Hall."
Mr Anderson said the local community were well-informed about the meeting that was attended by council officers Mr Peter Dunn and Mr Gary Poll.
"The unanimous result was the adoption of the plan which has maintained the tree in a garden turning circle, but relocated a few metres towards the hall to clear the high tension lines," Mr Anderson said.
Press release, 6 Oct 2010
Graeme Anderson, WKCA