Not a minimal impact
I am a resident of Poole Cl, Empire Bay, and have not once been consulted by Energy Australia in regards to the proposed substation.
This shows a complete lack of integrity on behalf of Energy Australia from the outset.
How can a $50 million dollar electricity substation have a minimal impact on the local environment?
What would us "site neighbours" have to offer in the design of a substation right on a well known corridor for rare and endangered species of flora and fauna?
The only way to minimise the environmental impact is to simply not have it there at all.
Never mind that there has been a covenant on that land brought down by the Land and Environment Court in 2003, or that there is much better suited alternative site that won't impact on the wildlife, beauty of the area, or the local residents including primary and preschool children.
Who cares?
Certainly not the State Government.
The irony here is that Gosford Council, which seems to be allowing Energy Australia to be exempt from any restrictions on this land, is funding research investigating the effectiveness of wildlife corridors for yellow bellied gliders within the Gosford LGA.
These gliders, along with glossy black cockatoo and micro bats use this proposed site.
This scenic corridor is recognised and documented as the "Gateway to the Killcare Peninsula", a major tourist destination.
It has been documented as "one of the most significant areas within the City of Gosford for the presence of threatened species".
It is documented that "development needs to be sympathetic to the surrounding environment and maintain habitat opportunities".
Has anyone done any research into the number of lightning strikes on substations?
This is food for thought, as much of the area surrounding the substation is classed as red zones for fire risk.
Online submission, 11 May 2010
Carolyn Packer, Empire Bay