Lone Pine Plaza landscape plan 'yet to be approved'
A landscaping plan has yet to be approved for the new Lone Pine Plaza shopping centre in Ocean Beach Rd, Umina, the Peninsula Residents Association has been told.
The association understood Central Coast Council was requiring a plan that met community needs for shade and liveability, said secretary Mr Julian Bowker.
Both the Residents Association and the Grow Urban Shade Trees group expressed their concerns to the developer and the council when it appeared that the north-facing plaza and carpark was largely treeless, "creating an urban heat bowl".
"Also of concern was the lack of any trees planned for the Ocean Beach Rd side which is a hot and busy thoroughfare," said GUST member Ms Jen Wilder.
"This road and verge are heavily used by walkers, riders and motorists, all whom would benefit from shade on this aspect of the Plaza."
She said both organisations wanted to see the Council's Greener Places Strategy implemented in practice.
Media release, 21 Aug 2022
Julian Bowker, PRA