Naidoc activities held at Woy Woy campus
Woy Woy campus of Brisbane Water Secondary College celebrated Naidoc Week from Monday to Friday, July 25 to 29.
On the Monday, Year 10 took part in a smoking ceremony and an acknowledgment of country led by former student Mr Rheese McMinn.
Year 11 and 12 students participated in cultural activities in roll call and timetabled classes.
On the Tuesday, Year 11 took part in a smoking ceremony and an acknowledgment of country.
Year 10 and 12 students participated in cultural activities in roll call and timetabled classes.
Students designed their own acknowledgement of country will be translated into Darkinjung language to be displayed at the school entrance.
On the Wednesday, Year 12 took part in a smoking ceremony and an acknowledgment of country.
Year 10 and 11 students participated in cultural activities in roll call and timetabled classes.
The PDHPE faculty ran cultural games during lunch 1 and 2.
On the Thursday, all students participated in cultural activities in roll call and timetabled classes.
A barbecue was held for indigenous students and cultural games were held on the oval.
On the Friday, all students participated in cultural activities in roll call and timetabled classes.
Mr Maurice Goolagong ran an art workshop for aboriginal students.
Cultural games were played on the oval during break .
A Hall of Fame was mounted in the science hallway which included inspirational aboriginal people in sport, politics, music and human rights.
Social media, 25 Jul 2022
Rebecca Cooper, BWSC Woy Woy