Resubmitted Ferry Rd application lacks documentation
A development application for the corner of Ocean View and Ferry Rd that was refused by the Local Planning Panel in October has been resubmitted with changes.
The application is for the partial demolition of existing structures and construction of a mixed-use building containing shop-top housing, retail premises, serviced apartments and associated works.
The Council's planning portal states the application status of the proposal for 302, 306 and 308 Ocean View Rd is "Notification-Advertising" and submissions may be made.
However, the only documents for this newly-submitted development application on the Council website are the amended plans.
There is no Statement of Environmental Effects to describe the proposal and its compliance with planning provisions.
From the plans, it can be seen that a number of changes have been made.
A new set of five steps has been inserted at car parking level (RL3900) linking it with Unit 1 level (RL4700).
This new set of steps will be located in the vicinity of the "store cages" area of the car park.
The total number of car parking spaces has been reduced from 23 to 22.
The existing retail area to be retained has been reduced from 143.361 square metres to 132.165 square metres, reducing car parking requirements from four spaces to three.
Other changes include sliding solar screens on the western elevation to replace the previous fixed screens and two new floor plans, at least for public scrutiny, which show the layouts of "Levels 2 and 6" and "Levels 3 and 9".
DA Tracker, 4 Feb 2022
DA59732, Central Coast Council