Mock interviews were 'highlight'
Brisbane Water Secondary College Umina Campus principal Mr Frank Gasper has commended Year 9 students for their participation in a mock interview process.
"The highlight of the year for me in relation to Year 9 was undoubtedly the mock interviews conducted with approximately 300 students over three days late last term," Mr Gasper said.
"No other school has attempted such a task with Year 9 students.
"Our intention was to build layers of interview experience for our students and the operation was an outstanding success as it has been for the past four years since its introduction.
"The range of employers and other industry representatives who gave up their time to help conduct the interviews were absolutely glowing in their comments on the presentation and approach by our students.
"The students felt they had gained a valuable experience with some already saying they have put the experience to good use by gaining part time jobs in subsequent interviews."
Newsletter, 20 Jan 2010
Frank Gasper, Brisbane Water College Umina Campus