Parks service plans island clean-up
The National Parks and Wildlife Service is calling for local volunteers to help clean up Riley's and Pelican islands as part of Clean Up Australia Day on Sunday, March 7.
The two islands located just off Woy Woy, provide essential habitats for many plant and animal life in the area, according to NPWS regional manager Mr Tom Bagnat.
"These stunning natural areas are a wonderful part of the Central Coast within close proximity to busy Woy Woy and Killcare," Mr Bagnat said.
"Clean Up Australia Day is a great community initiative that helps return areas back to their natural state and protects the habitat for some of the coast's unique wildlife.
"Removing rubbish will help protect flora and fauna such as shorebirds and mangroves at Pelican Island and marine animals such as turtles in Brisbane Water.
"Cleaning up these areas will really make a difference.
"It will only take a few hours and is a great way to enjoy the great outdoors, get some exercise and make new friends."
Anyone interested in participating on Clean Up Australia Day are encouraged to meet at the Woy Woy boat ramp at the end of North Burge Rd at 9am.
The clean-up is expected to finish around 11.30am and the NPWS will provide boat transport to the island.
People who plan to participate should wear sturdy shoes, bring thick gloves, drinks, sun protection and insect repellent.
For more information, contact NPWS on 4320 4233.
Press release, 18 Feb 2010
Lawrence Orel, National Parks and Wildlife Service