Proposal to cover more than one third site in concrete
An application to build three townhouses at 7 Winifred St, Umina, would see 281.4 square metres, more than one third of the site, covered in concrete driveway.
The application states the site has an area of 743.2 square metres with width 15.24 metres and depth 48.77 metres
The total gross floor area of the proposal is claimed to be 370.54 square metres giving a floor space ratio of 0.49:1, within the required figure of 0.5:1.
Site coverage of the building, its footprint, is claimed to be 249 square metres with total landscaping at 198.54 square metres, of which "soft" landscaping would comprise 163.09 square metres.
The proposed design includes a shared driveway of 281.4 m2, more that a third of the site area, with visitor parking located on the front setback.
All three units on the General Residential (R1) zoned property are proposed to be two-storey with three bedrooms.
Private Open Space areas are located between units for Units 1 and 2 and adjacent to the rear boundary for Unit 3.
The plans indicate that the open space for Unit 1 will include a 7.2 square metre plunge pool.
The application, prepared by Red Apple Design, states: "The proposal provides all three units with a large courtyard area at ground level, featuring a mix of hard and soft finishes to enhance its livability.
"The courtyards are accessible and mated to their corresponding living areas."
It states: "Visitor's parking has been provided within the front setback, screen by planting and mixed material fencing.
"This has been considered throughout the design process and seems to be the best option.
"Otherwise the visitor's parking would interfere with the units' private amenities if located within the residential units."
The rear setback does not comply with the requirement of 4.5 metres.
The application requests a variation of the requirement, stating: "The proposal seeks variation to the rear setback to Unit 3 whereby a minimum of three metres setback is provided for a length of 6.6 metres (43 per cent) of total site width."
The application claims compliance with the minimum private open space area of 45 square metres and minimum dimension of three metres for all units, but the plans appear to show only about 40 square metres area for all three units.
It also claims compliance with the solar access requirement of 50 per cent for 3 hours during the winter solstice for living areas and private open space, but this seems not to correspond with the supplied shadow diagrams.
The site currently contains five substantial trees which would all be removed for the development.
There is no Landscape Plan included in the exhibited documents.
However, it appears from the notification plan that there will be no vegetation screening the edge of the driveway on the eastern boundary, contrary to a planning provision quoted in the application that "side setback for the length of the remaining driveway must be landscaped with trees and shrubs to soften the hardstand areas and provide for infiltration and provide visual appeal to the streetscape".
The notification plans appear to show a driveway that is well over the minimum required width of three metres even at its narrowest point.
The application concludes: "The proposal is commended on its effort to provide a development that embraces the objectives of the planning instruments and control measures, and to understand the objectives when considering variations.
"The design employs with effectiveness the design guidelines of the Development Control Plan to create a functional development with high levels of amenity both for the end user and those it neighbours. "
The application is currently on exhibition on the Central Coast Council website for public submissions until January 20.
DA Tracker, 8 Dec 2024
DA/1743/2024, Central Coast Council